Lyla is an Australian business woman, mentor, entrepreneur and a mama to three beautiful daughters.

Hi! I’m Lyla.

Where I began

Originally from Albury NSW, the youngest of four children and the only female. I grew up in a house that was always full of life. If my Dad wasn’t bringing home another stray animal, my Mum was bringing home children that needed homes to live in. There was never a dull moment in our house, yet the strains of finances were always hanging over my families heads. Albury is where I spent the first 18 years of my life before I made the decision that I needed to leave and spread my wings. I moved to Melbourne to finish my hairdressing apprenticeship and from there I moved around until I landed myself in Brisbane, where I still reside. Having grown up financially poor, I had made the decision from a very early age that I wanted to seek financial freedom and success for my future. I never fully understood what this meant, however I knew that I did not want the same financial struggles through life and I knew that I needed to work out how I was going to achieve this.

Innovation + Cupcake Stations

“I believe I was born an entrepreneur, I started my own cupcake company when I was five, I would sell subscriptions to all the little old ladies on our streets and have my Mum bake them. This was how I would earn my keep in my busy and financially struggling household. I was always thinking up new innovative ways to build a little side hustle. Market stalls, busking, dog walking, picking flowers out of other peoples gardens and selling them and so much more.”

Self belief, a dream & $1200

At the age of 24, whilst working as a part-time hairdresser and studying a full-time undergraduate degree in psychology & criminology, I decided I was sick of living with no money and that I needed to make a change in my life. It was then on a rash decision I took a chance on myself and with little to no knowledge on business and $1200 in my pocket that my sister in law had gifted me, I managed to negotiate my way into the world of business, opening my very first hair salon. This little salon mind you, tripled it’s profits every single quarter throughout the first two years of trading.

“Ok, so this was HUGE right, when I look back I can not believe how I actually made it happen AND made it work, but I did. I exuded confidence, I held on to the fact that no matter what the universe was to throw at me, I was about to hit it hard and give it all I had. This is where my true love of business begun. However, believe me, it has not all been roses, there has been many times where I have wanted to walk away and leave it all in the past, but I go away and reinvent myself and this always reignites the passion again.”

Passion, Products & Pivots

I have been out there working hard to build, hustle, grow and sell successful bricks and mortar businesses. I have released product lines that hit hurdles and made quick reviews to rebrand, relaunch and after many years in the making, created an e-commerce store to sell these products that support those going through hormonal hair loss journeys. Check it out www.mamako.co

So, after spending over ten years building, running and selling successful businesses, I am armed with the experience and knowledge needed to guide others who are striving to become successful in business. I am passionate about women seeking financial freedom and encouraging positive shifts in the way women view themselves on where they stand in business.

“I am so excited about this transition I have made into coaching and empowering other women to succeed in their businesses. I have a burning desire to open women’s eyes up to the powers we possess when we are fully aware of who we are and how powerful we are in this world".”

Lyla x

“I believe as women we have the power to change the world we live in. Change starts with how we speak about ourselves. This will then set the standard for all of those around us. Choose your narrative, because you are worthy.”

Lyla x

Got a passion? Get in touch!