WIFXCAIT 'CRUSH IT' coaching collab


Join Lyla and Caitlyn on a SIX week business building course for all of you newbies in business.

What to expect, not limited to;

A simple program designed for you to take your time with over SIX weeks.

Caitlyn takes you through, enlisting Accountants, Lawyers etc - Negotiating a lease - Insurance - Taxes - Super - Money - Pricing services - Tracking sales - Client experience - Feedback/follow up - Bookings - Sales process - Consultation process - Training and education - Onboarding Staff/systemisation.

Lyla will get you on the road to, Building your brand - Building your community to support that brand - Self belief - Self doubt - Imposter syndrome - Uncluttering your brain - Creating flow and ease to your weeks - Commitment - Clarity - Building email list - Creating a social media presence.

Cait and Lyla are here to help you better understand business in the most basic form.

No more overwhelm. Get in and CRUSH IT!

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